For More Information, Call Trinity Wiring Solutions, LLC in Manassas at ​703-257-9403!

According to the Institute on Aging, older adults living outside of nursing homes are quite frequently living on their own. In fact, 11.3 million seniors, which is about one-third of the senior adult population, are living alone. Only a fraction of seniors living alone own comprehensive security systems.

While medical problems and theft are at the top of the list of risks facing seniors living alone today, the reality is there are also security risks that need proper attention. Here are five ways seniors can live on their own independently while still ensuring they are protecting their health and wellbeing.

For more information about installing security systems for your home in Virginia, Maryland, or Washington, DC, call us today at 703-257-9403 or contact us online.

1. Invest in Medical Alert Systems

If you or a loved one is living alone and have a medical emergency, survival depends on getting medical help quickly. Medical alert systems provide easy access to emergency professionals with just a touch of a button. This can give you significant peace of mind that you will be able to get help when it is needed, even if no one is around to help you get to the phone.

2. Lock Doors and Windows

When you are a senior living on your own, you become an easy target for burglars. One way to help deter them is to keep your windows and doors locked at all times. If you need the fresh air from an open window, consider opening it from the top with a lock in place that prevents it from opening further.

3. Give Yourself a Way to See Who is at the Door

One way in which predators prey on the elderly is by posing as someone coming to visit. When the older person opens the door, the thief pushes his way in and takes what he wants. One way to prevent this is to install a system that lets you see who is at the door. This can be as simple as a peephole, but a better option is a video surveillance system that ties in with your doorbell. This will give you an instant video image on your phone, computer, or tablet showing who is at the door, so you can only open the door to trusted friends and family.

4. Install a Burglary Monitoring System

If, in spite of your best efforts, you have a burglary, having a burglary monitoring system installed will ensure you can get help quickly. Trinity Wiring Solutions, LLC has a number of residential video surveillance options that can send alerts to the authorities at the first sign of a break-in. With one of these systems, you can have peace of mind that you will get help quickly should you have someone invade your space.

5. Install Motion-Activated Lights

One of the fastest ways to send a thief packing is with a bright light. Install motion-activated lights in the dark areas around your home, and you will have far less risk of having someone break into your property. Also, the lights will alert your neighbors to problems if someone is lurking around your property.

Safer Homes for Seniors with Trinity Wiring Solutions, LLC

It’s becoming easier and easier for seniors to live at home where they are comfortable, but when they are living home alone, they need a little extra help to remain secure. With Trinity Wiring Solutions, LLC and these critical security tips, you can live at home alone safely, enjoying your independence for many years to come. To learn more about ways to protect yourself or the seniors in your life, contact Trinity Wiring Solutions, LLC today.

Are you looking to install a new security system in Virginia, Maryland, or Washington, DC? Call us today at ​703-257-9403 or contact us online!