It’s hard to keep track of the online accounts we have all acquired in the last ten years, and it can be extremely overwhelming. In order to have easy access to all these accounts, most of us tend to use passwords that we can easily remember. Unfortunately, those are usually the most hackable passwords. Below is the list of the top 5 most common passwords used for online accounts. So next time you are creating a new account, consider making small changes such as capital letters, special characters (#, $, *) or spaces, this will keep you and your family safe from online hackers!

1.      123456
2.      Password
3.      1111
4.      abcdefg
5.      welcome

 As hard as it is, you should also avoid using the same password for every system, and it’s important to be careful who you share your passwords with. If you are looking for a secure software that will help you keep track of your passwords and keep them safe, we suggest checking out