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How to Download the Alarm.com App

The Alarm.com app is downloaded and installed like any other app for mobile devices.

Note: If the Alarm.com app cannot be found in the App Store or Play Store, verify the device is compatible. For more information about device compatibility, see Alarm.com app – Device compatibility.

Download the app

  1. Go to the Play Store.
  2. Tap the search option.
  3. Enter ‘Alarm.com‘ in the search bar and tap search.
  4. Download the app. It is a gray/silver icon with the Alarm.com logo on it.
  1. Go to the App Store.
  2. Tap the search option.
  3. Enter the ‘Alarm.com‘ in the search bar and tap search.
  4. Download the app. It is a gray/silver icon with the Alarm.com logo on it.

App troubleshooting

There are a variety of factors that can prevent an app from downloading properly.

Note: The troubleshooting process may vary based on the device and version.

  1. Verify the device has an active internet connection.
  2. Verify current downloads and updates.
    – Additional downloads or updates that are in progress can be paused.
  3. Verify storage space.
    – Unused apps can be uninstalled to increase available storage space.
  4. Restart the device.
  5. Download the app through the browser.
  6. Clear Google Play Store app cache and data.
    Caution: Clearing data will delete the Google Play Store’s saved data (e.g., files, settings, accounts, databases, etc.).
  7. Clear Play Services and Download the Manager app cache and data.
    Caution: Clearing data will delete the Google Play service’s data (e.g., files, settings, accounts, databases, etc.).
  8. Verify available system updates.
  9. Log out and back into the Google account.
  10. Uninstall and reinstall Google Play Store updates.
  11. Contact the device manufacturer for additional assistance.
  1. Verify the device has an active internet connection.
  2. Verify current downloads and updates.
    – Additional downloads or updates that are in progress can be paused.
  3. Verify storage space.
    – Unused apps can be uninstalled to increase available storage space.
  4. Pause and resume the Alarm.com app installation.
  5. Restart the device.
  6. Log out and back into the App Store.
  7. Verify available system updates.
  8. Reset device settings.
    Caution: Verify there is a backup before resetting the device as this step will reset settings.
  9. Contact the device manufacturer for additional assistance.
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